
$Cyclr is an on-chain token that powers shopping in the W3:Ride marketplace.

Total On-Chain Coins

There will only ever be 9 Billion $Cyclr coins total across multiple chains:

Cardano Token: Cyclr

Amount: 3 billion

Policy Id: e8e6b35d977a56ae5a221786eb0b2b348b8555e6e6afc6a54c25d2c5

Liquidity Pool: https://app.minswap.org/pool

Polygon Token: Cyclr

Amount: 3 billion

Contract: 0xe3AbA5159cC68b96EFC8d98d4547364612e838eF

Unannounced Chain

Token: Cyclr

Amount: 3 billion

How to Earn $Cyclr

$Cyclr can be converted from $Power or purchased. $Cyclr can be purchased in on-chain liquidity pools. $Cyclr can be converted in your dashboard from $Power earned on your rides.

How to use $Cyclr

- Gift Card Purchases

- Discounts for physical and digital goods

- Re-minting bikes to diversify your collection

Last updated